Wednesday, July 3, 2013

I'm Baaack...:)'s been 3 years since my last post! Kind of hard to believe it's been that long, but at the same time, not really all that hard to believe.  My life has been full of ups & downs, hills & valleys over the last 3 years.  I will not go into the details of every good or bad, but I will say that I now know God has used every good time in my life to reveal His blessings to me & every hard/troublesome time to learn to depend on Him - every situation has made me who I am at this very moment.

I will take a moment to recap just a few life-changing highlights over the last 3 years:
  • Started attending church again.  I grew up in church, but fell away from going for many years.  I have now found a church home where I feel accepted, loved & right at home "just as I am."  This is a place that truly accepts people right where they are, regardless of their circumstances or their past, just as Jesus does.  I am beyond blessed to have found the River.
  • Lost my first grandparent (my grandfather on my mom's side) last October 2012.  I have been so fortunate to have all of my grandparents up until this point in my life.  Not many people can say that at age 32 they still had all of their grandparents living.  It is my belief that when my Papa passed away, he became one of my guardian angels.  Since he passed away, my life has taken a turn towards seeking the Lord's will whole-heartedly - I do not consider this a coincidence.
  • I lost my precious little Ginger dog.  She was the first dog that I considered to be mine alone.  I always had dogs growing up, but my mom usually ended up taking care of those guys.  Anyway, I got Ginger when I was in my early 20's & had to put her down last fall due to complications with an enlarged heart.  I do still have 2 fur babies in my life, Ernie & Sadie, who keep me laughing...most days.
  • I have lost many whom I considered friends, but have gained many whom have enriched my life significantly.  Most recently, this guy:
    This is Brandon & to say he is a blessing, is an understatement.  In the short amount of time that we have known each other, we have connected in a way I have never connected with someone before.  He laughs with me, holds me when I cry, goes to church with me, prays with & for me, supports every dream/goal I have, encourages me, cooks for me....seriously, this list could get out of control so I will just say this - he is amazing in more ways than I can name on paper or this blog.  And the fact that he loves me despite my somewhat ugly past, shows that he loves with a selfless, Christ-like heart.  He makes me happy :)
  • My relationship with my earthly father, as well as my Heavenly Father is being restored & renewed.  I just don't have sufficient words to say about this, so I will just say "thank you, Jesus!"
These are just a few things that have been happening in my life over the last 3 years.  I am not writing this blog because my life is super exciting & I think everyone wants to know about me.  Mostly I will be writing about the way God is working in my life & for my own journaling purposes as well.  In my life, I have all to often bottled up my feelings & emotions, and to ensure complete healing & transparency, it is necessary for me to get it all out.  So in order to be transparent, there may be things I blog about that you do not agree with or they offend you.  If you do not agree, that is OK - I am learning that not everyone sees things the way I do & it doesn't mean my way or their way is right or wrong, it just means we're different & that's just fine by me.  If I offend you, I apologize now - but I will not apologize for writing about what the Bible teaches or what God is doing in my life.  These are things that I am very passionate about & I lived my life too long trying to twist what the Bible says to suit the way I was living - but that was the old me.

This is all I have for today.  I have enjoyed catching you all up!

Happy Independence Day! Let's not get caught up in the cookouts, fireworks, etc. & forget the real reason we celebrate America on the 4th!

"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." John 14:27

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